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Possible Answer 1:
My one persistent problem has been procrastination.

To overcome it, I make to-do lists (a checklist), listing out daily chores, weekly chores and monthly chores.
I will cross out the chores off the lists as I complete them. This helps me to keep my chores, paying bills, and other things taken care off, while also helping me to monitor my progress.
After started using the to-do list, I was able to overcome my procrastination. Even now as you can see here in my pocket, I have this index card showing my to-do list for today.
Possible Answer 2:
I tend to jump the gun, at times.
I know it’s a cliché, but counting up to ten does help you to cool down and handle any stressful situation level-headedly.
Now, checking myself and counting to ten has become habit, rather that reacting instantly.