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The short answer is YES, but it depends on how many months have passed after the expiry of your license.
Please review the below time frames and see how many months have passed after your license was expired.
Renewal of Florida class D security license after expiry, but within 3 months of expiry
A class D license, can be renewed if it has not been expired for more than three months by applying for renewal after including the renewal license fee as well as a late fee. The late fee equal to the amount of the license fee.
The late fee equal to the amount of the license fee in addition to the renewal license fee.
For example, if your class license is expired, but within 3 months (less than 90 days) after the expiry date, then you can still renew it after sending in your renewal application along with the fee shown below:
Regular Renewal Fee: $45.00
Late Fee (equal to the license fee): $45.00
Finger print fee $29.75 (for the first renewal) or for the subsequent renewals: $10.75
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Send your application to the below address for New or Renewal of for Class D Private Security License
Division of Licensing
P.O. Box 5767
Tallahassee, FL 32314-5767
Phone: (850) 245-5691
Fax: (850) 245-5655
Renewal of Florida class D security license after 3 months of expiry
After 3 months of expiry it is not possible to renew your license, as per the current rules.
If the license has been expired for longer than three months, you need to re-apply for a new license and meet all the requirements for a new license.
Renewal of Florida class D security license before expiry
About 150 days before the expiration of your license, the Division of Licensing, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services will mail you, your renewal application form with instructions on how to renew your license.
Address for renew D licenses?
Thanks for the comment. The contact address is just added to the above post. Please see above.
My D- lincence expire some time ago over a year. Couldn’t get a job because it interfered with my job at the USPS. Am retired now what can I do
If you D-License expired for more than 3 months, as per the current law, you will need to go through a new licensing process – such as taking the class etc.
D license expired in 2016, do I need to reapply to the state, or retake the d license class.
Yes, since your license expired in 2016 which is way past the three months after expiry rule, as per the current law, you will need to go through a new licensing process – such as taking the class etc.
My license expired in 2015 can i renew them still