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Indiana Security Guard Training Requirements

Indiana Security Guard Training Requirements

Salary and Prospects of Security Guard Jobs in Indiana

As per the latest employment statistics of Bureau of Labor Statistics, the outlook for Security Guard job in Indiana is indicated below.
  • Number of persons employed as Security Guards in Indiana is: 18,120 
  • Annual Average Wage of a Security Guard in Indiana is: $26,690.00.
The State of Indiana requires every applicant for unarmed security guard position to obtain a license. This is in accordance with the state legislative regulations IC 25-30-1-3, Section 3. However, there are also companies which allow employment without the need of a license. In this case, the hiring company will be the one responsible for the applicant, according to the statutes and rules IC 25-30-1-11 Employees of licensee.    

Eligibility Requirement for Security Guard in Indiana

Listed below are the basic criteria for license application. 
  • Unarmed security guard applicants should be at least 18 years old. 
  • He or she must be a citizen of the United States, or a legal and registered resident alien. 
  • He or she should possess proof of high school education. 
  • Applicants must submit fingerprints to the FBI. 
  • Applicants should go through a criminal background check overseen by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. 
  • Applicants should have no records of felony convictions and acts of crime involving illegal use of firearms. 
  • He or she must be able to pass drug testing. 
  • He or she must complete the state certified training courses as required by the Department of Public Safety for Indiana. 
  • Applicants should posses a driver’s license and a valid social security number. 
  • He or she must be in good physical condition and must be able to stand for a long hours. 
  • He or she must possess good communication skills.

Application Steps for Security Guard in Indiana

Background checks are mandatory before being able to acquire a license. This is to make sure that the candidate has no records of crime conviction or associated with any illegal acts and misdemeanors, that will affect their performance as security guards. 
The license issued by the State of Indiana is valid only for four years. To keep it validated, holders must renew the license before the set expiration date. If ever the license expires, all applicants are required to undergo reinstatement process, completing another set of training course.

Fees to Apply for a Security Guard in Indiana

Application fee: $150

Training Syllabus for a Security Guard in Indiana

These are the basics included in the training courses: 
  • Ethical and legal issues of the State. 
  • Proper use of non-lethal force. 
  • Detainment of criminal suspects. 
  • Immediate response to fire and medical emergencies.
  • Observation and patrol.
  • Public relations and professionalism.

Other Useful Information for Security Guard Application in Indiana

Indiana Professional Licensing Agency
Attn: Private Investigator & Security Guard Licensing Board
402 W Washington Street, Room W072
Indianapolis, IN 46204. 
Staff Phone Number: (317) 234-3022
Staff email:

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