Can I Get a Florida Security Guard License if I have a Prior Conviction?

The short answer is YES. If you have been convicted of a crime, you must apply and get your civil rights restored through the Executive Clemency Program before you can get your Florida Security Guard License. Restoration of Civil Rights in Florida: The Restoration of Civil Rights in Florida restores all of the rights of citizenship of a former convict, except the specific authority to own, possess, or use firearms. Felony conviction occurred in Florida If you have been convicted (not just arrested) of a felony as described in Section 790.23, of the Florida state Statutes, then you need to apply and obtain Executive Clemency from Florida before you can apply and get a Security Guard License in Florida State. Felony conviction occurred in another US state If your felony conviction occurred in another US state, then you need to obtain the certificate of rehabilitation or restoration of civil rights by that state where the conviction occurred.…

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Can I apply for the SORA program if I have a prior conviction?

SORA (Security Office Registration Act) is the New Jersey state's License for Security Guards and is administered by the New Jersey State Police. Yes, it is possible that you can get a SORA license even if you have a prior conviction. The eligibility will be based on the status and nature of the prior conviction as explained below. First of all the good news is, as per the New Jersey state police website, persons with expunged and/or sealed criminal records will be considered for SORA. What is an Expungement? An expungement proceeding is a type of lawsuit in which a first time offender of a prior criminal conviction seeks that the records of that earlier process be sealed, making the records unavailable through the state or Federal repositories. If your convictions are not currently expunged then please continue reading to see if your records can be possibly expunged. As per New Jersey SORA regulations if the a…

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While working as Security Guard dispatcher, How do you respond to emergencies?

Security Guard Interview Question: You are substituting as a night dispatcher in the emergency response center for a security company who has multiple accounts. You get a call from a tenant from one of your client's small apartment community and the caller says that her baby is not breathing and not responding. Just when you hung up the phone, you get another call from a client in whose liquor store an armed robbery is in progress. Both premises are very near to your location, and you know that your guards can reach there faster than the police or a hospital ambulance. What would be your course of action in this scenario? The answer may seem obvious, but how do you detail your plan of action is the most important aspect of answering this question. Please comment your answers below. We will post a detailed possible answer in the next few days.

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As a school Security Officer, what do you do when belligerent parents start fighting during a school basketball game?

This is a real-life interview question. This happened in Dewey, Oklahoma. On February 6th, 2016 an independent youth league hosted a basketball game between Dewey and Skiatook. During the game, two boys began playing rough. As per the police report, one boy punched the other in the head, knocking him to the floor. During the commotion that followed, the stepfather of the boy that got hit ran at the coach and punched him in the throat. The two men's wives also got into the action, as per the police. The coach's wife is accused of going after the man who punched him, while that man's wife reportedly grabbed her hair. Now, as a Security Officer in this scene, what would you do? Possible Answer: As a security guard, my job is to protect people and property. After that I need to observe and report. Since a student was hurt and knocked down, I will immediately call for…

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As a security guard, when do you use a firearm?

Alternate Question: You are an armed security guard, licensed to carry a gun. During your duty, you found a masked intruder inside the property you are protecting. How do you use your gun in this situation? Possible Answer: As a Security Guard, my primary duty is to protect people and then property in that order. A Security Guard do not have the same authority to use a firearm as a police officer. So unless the intruder poses a direct threat to my life or the life of another innocent individual I will not draw my fire arm. The use of deadly force to protect property or prevent property loss is illegal in most states in the US. If the intruder is not armed, depending on my assessment of the situation (intruder's demeanor, location of the incident, time of day, availability of other people to support me etc), I may decide to confront and restrain the individual to…

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Difference between Burglary and Robbery

As a security guard or security officer, you need to clearly understand the difference between burglary and robbery. There are several differences between these two. Burglary vs Robbery, the circumstances make them differ Robbery and burglary are both criminal offenses that involve theft. The circumstances that surround these offenses make the difference in their definitions. Burglary: A burglary happens, when an individual enters a building or properly without permission in order to commit another offense, such as theft or felony. However, entering the properly without permission even if there is no theft, itself is a felony. The structure unlawfully entered by the perpetrator can be any building types including businesses, personal homes, garden sheds, barns, coops or other properties such as boats, aircraft, trucks or cars. Even when a person who has permission to enter part of a house, but not another part, it is still a burglary if they break-in and enter (by any means, even…

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I am currently working as a security guard. Will this job help me to become a police officer?

Answer: No, it is actually the other way around. If you’ve experience as a police officer, you might be able to command a better starting position and better salary as a security officer. To become a police officer, you have to go through the training and qualify after passing the test. Read more Security Guard FAQs

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Is it possible to get hired directly as a security guard without going through a security company?

Answer: Many small firms might hire a security guard through word-of-mouth recommendation or through someone they know. However it is in your best interests to go through a company. Because in case something happens on your watch, you will not be solely held responsible for it. Also you will have an accepted set protocol to follow, and you will have the evidence to back up your claim, like logging in regularly and giving the all-clear. In case you’re working directly and not through an agency, there might not be any back up records, other than what the employer owns, and it will be his word against yours. Read more Security Guard FAQs

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What are the requirements for becoming a hotel security guard? I am specifically interested in Marriot, since there is a Marriot near where I live.

Answer: As with any security guard job, a hotel security guard too has to be fit, observant, vigilant, courteous to guests, helpful in case of any issues, and be willing to lend a helping hand at any time to the guests or other staff. A hotel security guard job also requires you to be personally groomed and presentable at all times. The Marriot Hotel requires that their security personnel be capable of standing, sitting or walking for long hours, as you might need to be guarding your post, be at your desk or patrol the grounds. They also need you to be capable of carrying at least ten pounds of luggage or equipment without extra assistance. This means you should be reasonably fit. It is preferable if you have CPR training, as you can help people in case of medical emergencies. Read more Security Guard FAQs

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What career growth options are there for a security guard?

Alternate Questions: Are there better career paths after working as a security guard? Answer: If the security guard job interests you, you can get certified and also get some weapons training. This will help you to land better paying jobs like armed escorts for transporting documents, art, jewelry or cash. You might also decide to sign up for the Reserve police force, which will help you. If you can, you can even start your own security company or design a security device like an alarm or a camera. You can also moonlight as security to celebrities, if you’re really good at your job. Read more Security Guard FAQs

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