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Nature of Cruise Ship Security Guard Job:
A Cruise Ship Security Guard watches over the points of entry of a ship while the ship is in port. They also do the screening of the guests, ship crew as well as their luggage. During the voyage they perform several critical security related tasks as described in the duties and responsibilities section below.
Duties and Responsibilities of Cruise Ship Security Guard:
- Conduct access control for cruise passengers, employees, visitors, and other persons to guard and maintain security of premises
- Monitor and report suspicious activities to local authorities. Monitors security aboard the ship 24/7 alternating day and night shifts. Performs regular safety rounds of public, crew and off-limit areas of the ship. Presents to the Chief/Deputy Security Officer the log of activities during the night time hours
- Inspect passenger and crew documents validity such as; port ids, driver’s licenses, passports for access control to the ship
- Write reports of daily activities and irregularities, such as equipment or property damage, theft, any abuse of ship’s property, presence of unauthorized persons, or unusual occurrences
- Assist in the deployment, recovery, maintenance, and housekeeping of equipment
- Execute post responsibilities as required
- Perform random or scheduled crew cabin checks and do alcohol and illegal drug tests as directed by the Chief Security Officer or the staff captain
- Follow specific post orders
- Monitor and authorize entrance and departure of vehicles, cargo trucks and visitors (applicable for cargo posts)
- Keeps a daily log of vehicles screening activities (applicable for cargo posts)
- Familiarity with the location and use of all safety and security related equipment aboard the ship
- Training in basic fire prevention and fire-fighting techniques
- In the case of a fire be able to access and control the situation properly the until arrival of the dedicated fire-fighting team
Salaries of Cruise Ship Security Gurard:
The salaries for Cruise Ship Security jobs differ depending on the company hiring the officers. You can make around $11.00 to $13.00 per hour, or a monthly salary of $1300.00 to 1900.00.
Cruise Ship Security Guard Job Requirements:
- Ability to work in a client-focused role within a fast pace environment
- Ability to handle multiple tasks and high level of accuracy required.
- Strong Customer Service Skills
- Must be able to communicate in English
- Must be able to communicate professionally and follow directions from federal and local authorities
- Must meet State licensing standards of State where employed
- Must pass English literacy test and interview process
- Must have professional appearance and demeanor
- Must obtain a port I.D. after a favorable NCIC background check
- Maintain a current status of all licenses and port Id’s
- Must be Drug Free- Drug Test Conducted On Site
- Experience in the field of Security and firearms handling skills are required
- Military or/and Police background is preferred
- Experience in a role of Security Guard aboard ship is a plus
- Knowledge of other language(s) is a plus
- Ability to work in multicultural environment
Future Prospects:
If you are willing to work hard and you are a people’s person, working on a cruise ship can be a rich and rewarding experience. Some people consider this as a life changing experience considering the people they were able to meet. The benefits of working on board a cruise ship are endless. Which is why it is the most sought after employment in the tourism industry.
Your accommodation and food will be paid by the company. So most of your salary will be a take home pay. You will be able to visit exotic locations and know different cultures during your job. Which other job will allow you to have this rich experience.
As it goes within the security industry, the tourism related security jobs are scheduled to increase by up to 14% by 2018.