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Security Guard Interview How to respond to emergencies
Security Guard Interview Question – How to respond to emergencies

Security Guard Interview Question: You are substituting as a night dispatcher in the emergency response center for a security company who has multiple accounts.

You get a call from a tenant from one of your client’s small apartment community and the caller says that her baby is not breathing and not responding.

Just when you hung up the phone, you get another call from a client in whose liquor store an armed robbery is in progress.

Both premises are very near to your location, and you know that your guards can reach there faster than the police or a hospital ambulance.

What would be your course of action in this scenario?

The answer may seem obvious, but how do you detail your plan of action is the most important aspect of answering this question.

Please comment your answers below. We will post a detailed possible answer in the next few days.

This Post Has 15 Comments

  1. Melton Hall

    I would call my guards and let them know the situation, since they are nearer to the two locations and I would then give the police department a call after for backup.

  2. joel

    I would call my guards and let them know the situation, since they are nearer to the two locations and I would then give the police department a call after for backup.

  3. Philemon Cheng

    I will call for assistance for my colleagues​ on duty explain the situation advise some to attend to the tenant and others to attend the robery immediately I will inform the police with ambulance for assistance

  4. Gurwinder

    My first duty is to save the minors life so i would call the hospital first then I let the police know about the robbery because they are much more organised than any other private security frim then I will call my helpers

  5. Crystal L Navarrete

    I would alert the Police first to the two incidents with all information captured. They are able to respond with the appropriate emergency equipment and skilled/trained personnel as needed. I then will alert my patrol(s) to the situation.

  6. Uera

    Send guards first to the life of the baby and at the same time seND others to the armed robbery. After explaining the two situation call the police for further assistance.

  7. robert spivey

    I would activate ems for the baby, and call police for the armed robbery, i would then dispatch my security to head towards the location of the baby and offer assistance to their level of training, then dispatch a security patrol to the armed robbery, I would inform my security that local authorities have been called and are en route and give eta of officers, security officers would aslo respond to the robbery to their level of training and protocol of employer and certifications they have.

  8. David nyasi

    Saving a life is most important. I would send men to rescue the baby while informing the police and ambulance, and send some other men to handle the robbery situation.

  9. kumar gurung

    First of all I will try to know the types of incident ,working as a security guard I will try to solve in my own level according to the rights authorised to me and follow the instructions of the company sop ;infact if the situation is more adverse and likely to uncontrol I will immediately inform to my supervisor or the police accordingly.

  10. Shanthi

    I use to update the emergency medical services phone number; police authorities number and all required phone numbers. So first, I will call emergency medical services and give brief details to attend the baby; and then call police to attend the armed robbery. Then I call my security dispatch for further actions.

  11. saddam mirza

    First call the police and describe them all situation, then contact to my patrolling supervisor, and then contact to the community department of the building, and try to save the situation before them reaching helping team.

  12. kings

    I will first contact both the police and the emergency response …report against the both emergencies and than put up my guards on arm robbery event..not to attack but to observe the movements of the criminals while the emergency response will take the baby to the hospital.

  13. Capoquian

    First of all, all security personnel should have proper training in different kinds of incident situations…all emergency situation need a quick response, therefore inform co security and your officer before seeking for assistance…

  14. Marquita, Edralin Fuentes

    Baby first so if possible to revive and then the robbery immediately report to the nearest police station

  15. Penny

    After getting two phone calls I would mobilise my security guards, 1 group with1 qualified first aid course carrying an first aid kit to t baby location to stabilise t situation.
    Another group will attend to t crime in progress to monitor the situation.
    After that I would call the 911 or if South Africa call 10111 and give the all the incidents details, so they can send the backup van to engage in robbery and ambulance to the baby.
    I would not hang up the phone until t person I’m talking to assures me to have taken all the details

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