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Salary and Prospects of Security Guard Jobs in Arizona

As per the latest employment statistics of Bureau of Labor Statistics, the outlook for Security Guard job in Alabama is indicated below.

  • Number of persons employed as Security Guards in Arizona is: 22,450 
  • Annual Average Wage of a Security Guard in Arizona is: $27,140.00.

The state of Arizona has its own standards and requirements that each applicant for a security guard position should be able to meet. The Arizona Department of Public Safety will evaluate whether or not the individual is suitable or qualified for the job, depending upon the submitted forms and training results. The issued license will only be valid for two years. After this period, the license should be subject for renewal.

Eligibility Requirement for Security Guard in Arizona

Requirements needed are listed below.

  • The applicant should meet the age requirement of being at least 18 years old. 
  • He or she should be able to provide proof of being a citizen of the United States or legal resident alien. 
  • The applicants should fully submit to a background check. 
  • Fingerprints should be submitted to the Department. 
  • The applicants should not be found with records of felony conviction or any misdemeanors such as crimes involving violence and moral turpitude. 
  • Applicants should possess a high school diploma or any equivalent documents and certification. 
  • Unarmed security guard training must be completed in an approved facility within the state of Arizona.

Application Steps for Security Guard in Arizona

To obtain your license, you can easily follow the steps outlined below:

  • First, get offered employed by a Department of Public Safety Licensed Security Guard Agency. They will fill out and sign the Employer section (Part A) of the registration application, which you can download here.
  • Complete and sign the Employee section (Part B) of the registration application.
  • Submit your fingerprints for a criminal history check. For more information about fingerprint submission, you can visit the fingerprints section of the DPS Licensing Unit. They are always available at the Licensing Unit office and many be available at police stations or at other companies listed as “Fingerprinters” in a phone book or directory.
  • Submit a color photograph of your face.
  • Complete the 8 hour pre-assignment training course.
  • Submit the training verification, signed and dated by the agency.

Fees to Apply for a Security Guard in Arizona

  1. Application fee: $50.00 
  2. Fingerprint fee: $22.00 
  3. Late Fee: $10.00
  4. Upgrade from Unarmed to Armed Security Guard:     $50.00 
  5. Additional Armed Agency card:  $10.00
  6. Reinstatement: $25.00
  7. Card Replacement: $10.00

Training Syllabus for a Security Guard in Arizona

  • Ethical and legal issues concerning the job. 
  • Limited use of force as allowed by the State of Arizona. 
  • Crowd control. 
  • How to deal with medical emergencies.
  • How to deal with fire emergencies.

Other Useful Information for Security Guard Application in Arizona

Arizona Department of Public SafetyLicensing UnitP.O. Box 6328, MD 1160Phoenix, Arizona 85005Metro Phoenix: (602) 223-2361Fax: (602) 223-2938.Email:

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