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Maine Security Guard Training Requirements

Maine Security Guard Training Requirements

Salary and Prospects of Security Guard Jobs in Maine

As per the latest employment statistics of Bureau of Labor Statistics, the outlook for Security Guard job in Colorado is indicated below.
  • Number of persons employed as Security Guards in Maine are: 2,090 
  • Annual Average Wage of a Security Guard in Maine is: $25,720.00.
The state of Maine does not necessarily require applicants for unarmed security guard position to be licensed. However, a security guard cannot work as an independent agent or self-employed. He or she has to be under a licensed and authorized security guard agency. This means that requirements and standards are set forth by the hiring company and not the state. Though this may be the case, the company must also adhere to the state’s laws and regulations.

Eligibility Requirement for Security Guard in Maine

The list below includes common criteria that most employers would likely require.   
  • Unarmed security guard applicants should be 18 years of age or older. 
  • The applicant must be a citizen of the United States or a legal resident alien with a working permit. 
  • The applicant must not be found with records of criminal conviction, misdemeanors, and illegal actions such as fraud. 
  • The applicant must not be drug or alcohol dependent. 
  • He or she should be willing to submit and go through a criminal background check. 
  • He or she should display a good moral character. 
  • He or she must possess a driver’s license issued by the state. 
  • The applicant must be in good physical condition and capable of standing for long periods of time. 
  • The applicants must be good in dealing and communicating with the public.

Application Steps for Security Guard in Maine

Since license acquisition is not governed by the state, application information will be in accordance to the hiring agency. Most commonly, employers will require each applicant to submit a filled-out application form which contains basic and significant information. 

General Information 
This covers the applicant’s full name, current address, place of birth and physical characteristics such as weight, height and eye color. Previous residences for the past 5 years should also be listed. 
Criminal History 
The applicant should be cleared from any records of conviction or acts of crime punishable of imprisonment over the past five years. Of any, this can be grounds for disqualification and denial of application. If the candidate ever served in the Military, he or she should not have been dishonorably discharged.

Fees to Apply for a Security Guard in Maine

Not Applicable

Training Syllabus for a Security Guard in Maine

Basic training curriculum includes: 
  • The roles of private security. 
  • Legal and ethical aspects.
  • Observation and patrol. 
  • Laws on trespass. 
  • Response to emergencies. 
  • Laws on search and seizure. 
  • Public relations.

Other Useful Information for Security Guard Application in Maine

42 State House Station
45 Commerce Drive
Augusta, Maine 04333-0042
Phone: 624-7200

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