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Washington Security Guard Training Requirements
Salary and Prospects of Security Guard Jobs in Washington
As per the latest employment statistics of Bureau of Labor Statistics, the outlook for Security Guard job in Washington is indicated below.
- Number of persons employed as Security Guards in Washington are: 17,370
- Annual Average Wage of a Security Guard in Washington is: $31,500.00.
A license is always an important thing to own especially if your work requires it. It will help you get more employment and open new opportunities. That is why in the state of Washington, working as an unarmed security guard also means that you have to be licensed in order to fit the job. This will be a great way to start a career in the security sector.
Eligibility Requirement for Security Guard in Washington
Besides the application form to be filled, the applicant is also required to be:
- At least 21 years of age.
- All applicants must have a valid driver’s license.
- Must have a valid photo identification card.
- Must be a legal resident or citizen of the United States.
- Must undergo a criminal background check.
- All applicants must submit a fingerprint card.
- Applicants must not be convicted of any serious crimes.
- Must be of good moral character.
Application Steps for Security Guard in Washington
Completing all the training will educate the unarmed security guards to work within the security field. The unarmed guards can work both in public and private areas. They are stationed in places where they can oversee all activities and deter any suspicious individuals. They can work in malls, schools, airports, hotels, private office buildings, financial institutions, residential areas and many more. The skills that they have learned during training will help them protect the building as well as the people they are working for. Unarmed security guard license must be kept valid if the bearer of the license wishes to continue his/her services in the security sector. This is valid for two years and must be renewed before the expiration.
Fees to Apply for a Security Guard in Washington
License fee: $111
Training Syllabus for a Security Guard in Washington
The training for unarmed guards will include the following:
- The legal detainment of suspects.
- Properly written reports.
- Training in legal and ethical issues.
- Training in medical emergencies and can include CPR.
- The amount of force that can be used.
- Working with other security professionals, including police and fire officials.
Other Useful Information for Security Guard Application in Washington
Private Security Guard Program
Department of Licensing
PO Box 35001
Seattle, WA 98124-3401
Phone: 360.664.6611
Fax: 360.570.7888
I am an African black immigrant who recently got my work permit and social security card.I am yet to receive my green card which might be out after an interview between my US citizen wife and I in a couple of months period. I resided at Forestville Maryland. I am a trained and qualified elementary school teacher in my country sierra Leone. I graduated from college in 1998 and started my teaching profession in the year 2000 till May 2014.I am now five months in the US. Since my day one in the US I desired to be a security guard either armed or unarmed. I have been longing for a security career since my juvenile age but my parent persuaded me to be a school teacher instead. I am now 39 years of age but I am 5ft 11inc tall. I am healthy and strong man who is physically and mentally equipped for the security career, I want to receive a thorough training before applying for a security post job.Based on this note, I need a professional advice before enrolling to any training school like yours.
On the contrary, am I qualified and eligible to enroll at your security school for training?
You can e-mail me on or call me on xxx-xxx-xxxx.
Thanks and I look forward to hearing from you.
First of all, the website do not offer any security guard training. The objective of the website is to provide security guard job listings (from other companies), training resources and tips for those who are trying to become a security guard.
Based on your email, I can provide some information which may help you.
First of all, since you are located in Forestville, Maryland, you should look for Security Guard training companies located in Maryland, District of Columbia (Washington DC) or Virginia areas. These three areas together is called Washington DC metro area. I am indicating this in particular since you contacted me through the Washington State webpage which is far away from Maryland and is located in the west coast of United States.
You can find several Security Guard training companies by accessing this page:
However, before contacting any of them, I would like you to do some research in the Better Business Bureau (BBB) website (, using the company names listed above. Then contact only those Security Guard Training companies which are accredited by the BBB with at least A or A+ rating. This way you can ensure some level of quality and guarantee for their service.
Before getting hired as a security guard, you will need to apply through a security company for your license since Maryland requires that you need to be a current employees or a current applicant for employment with a licensed security guard agency to apply for a State of Maryland Security Guard Certification.
More details of the Security Guard Certification in Maryland can be found here:
Best of luck with your Security Guard training and job search.