Can I be a Security Officer in Virginia with a felony or arrest on my record?

Yes. Definitely. In general, a person is eligible to work as a Security Guard (Officer) with a prior a felony conviction in Virginia State. The Department of Criminal Justice (DCJS) in Virginia, makes the determination if an individual is eligible or not. Before you apply, it is ideal that you take steps to clear your record through a pardon and restoration or rights through DCJS. As per the Commonwealth of Virginia (Virgina State) Website, here is the Criteria used for restoring the rights of a person with a prior criminal record. Criteria for Restoration of Rights for Non-Violent Offenders: Have been convicted of a non-violent felony in a Virginia court or a U.S. District Court Have completed serving the prison sentence and been released from supervised probation or parole Have no pending felony charges. Criteria for Restoration of Rights for Violent/More Serious Offenders: In order to be eligible for restoration of rights by the Governor, an applicant…

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